The spay and neuter procedure is a primary element of preventive animal health care, and it’s one of the best things you can have done for the health of your pet. The University Animal Hospital performs hundreds of these procedures each year as it’s the most common type of routine minor surgery our veterinarians perform. It’s very safe and beneficial and has a fast recovery time. We strongly believe that every pet in Fort Worth, TX, should have access to quality health care, so we ensure that all of our services, including spay and neuter, are affordable for every one of our furry clients and their owners.
The Importance of Spay and Neuter
Most people think that having their dog or cat “fixed” is all about keeping them from getting pregnant, but in fact, there are many other health benefits to be had from having your pet spayed or neutered. But pregnancy prevention is very important for pets all over the nation as it is vital for combating the pet overpopulation crisis in America. Millions of unwanted pets end up abandoned and homeless in the U.S. each year, and many of them end up in animal shelters, where most of them are soon put to sleep. Shelters just don’t have the space or resources to care for all of them, and there aren’t enough people willing to adopt them. Part of the problem is caused by people bringing pets into their homes without considering the responsibilities involved in caring for them and then abandoning them. But the biggest causes of pet overpopulation are unwanted litters, and having your pet spayed or neutered will help alleviate the problem.
The Health Benefits of Spaying and Neutering
The health benefits your pet will enjoy from having it done are both physical and psychological. Some are sex- and species-specific, while others are enjoyed by males and females of both species. Neutering involves the removal of the male’s testicles, while spaying involves the removal of the female’s reproductive organs. When female dogs and cats are spayed, they no longer go into heat or menstruate, and the crying, howling, and restlessness associated with the heat cycle cease. They’ll no longer be vulnerable to uterine cancers or infections and the risk of breast cancer is greatly reduced. Neutered males have less risk of prostate problems and zero risk of testicular cancer. Studies have shown that neutered cats live on average twice as long as non-neutered ones. The procedure also helps moderate the hormones that regulate behavior, making both males and females less aggressive, less likely to get into fights and roam, and less inclined to mark their territory by urinating around the house.
The Spay/Neuter Procedure
Typically, spaying and neutering for both dogs and cats is performed at about 6 months of age, although if they are healthy, they can have it done at 8 or 9 weeks. In general, the younger they have it done, the better, although older pets will also benefit from having it done. When you bring your pet to your Fort Worth veterinarian, they’ll instruct you in how to prepare your pet the night before the procedure, including withholding everything except water for 12 hours before the scheduled visit. During the operation, your pets will be given anesthesia, and a surgical tech will continually monitor their vital signs for any problems. It doesn’t take long to complete, and afterward, your pets will spend a couple of hours in a recovery room, and then they can leave. Your vet will give you complete instructions on caring for them at home. In general, they’ll need to get plenty of rest, stay indoors, and avoid exertion for a week to 10 days.
When you need the services of a spay and neuter clinic in Fort Worth, TX, or have any other animal health care needs or questions, contact the University Animal Hospital using our online form to schedule an appointment or call or text us at 817-921-5429.